Friday, May 16, 2014

Tarts and Pies Class!

I am one semester away from getting my pastry and baking certificate which is super crazy. Time went by so fast and I'm sad it's almost over. I met some some amazing people and had great teachers. I think tarts and pies was my favorite class other than intro to baking. Here's a little sneak peek into what I made in the last two weeks! I will be posting the recipes to some of these tarts and pies!
Mini tarts with passionfruit curd, raspberry curd and chocolate rum pastry cream.

Apple Pie
Lattice crust on apple pie
Lemon blueberry galettes
Fresh strawberry tart
Chocolate hazelnut tart with raspberries
Raspberry pie
Coconut cream pie
Chocolate bourbon pecan pie
Lemon meringue pie
lemon meringue pie
Chocolate strawberry tart
Spice pear tart

Stay tuned for recipes!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Davis Farmers Market with Joe :)

One of my favorite things to do with Joe is go to Davis. I love it there. Joe went to UC Davis and wanted to take me there to show me around and we both fell in love. It's such a nice town and atmosphere. You'd think that since it's a college town it would be crazy or wild but it's the opposite. I've never been to a town that I thought was perfect to live. When I think of my future I think of Davis. 
They have a year-round farmers market on Saturdays and Joe and I have gone to two so far this spring. I am overwhelmed and overexcited each time we go. Sometimes I even think of driving over to Davis just to see the market and relax. They have food, fresh/local veggies, fruit, pastries, meat, honey, juice, nuts, plants, flowers, and other cool knick knacks. It's absolutely wonderful. This is a glimpse into what we saw today!
Super tasty berries!
We bought yukon gold potatoes, leeks, apple juice, a bear claw, and cheddar jalapeƱo bread
These things were so beautiful in the wind! I wish I knew how much they were and I wish I had a place for one at my house because they were so cool and fun to look at
If my parents hadn't already bought three tomato plants I would've gotten some from here!
The carrots were super sweet and delicious, and this is coming from someone who does not like raw carrots.
Our view from the blanket in the field next to the market

Hello, three years later

Weeks after my last post my world was turned upside down, this will be explained in a future blogpost. Since then I've left jobs, gotten...